
Christian Bale

He gained 43 pounds (20 kg), shaved part of his head and adopted a slouched posture, which reduced his height by 3 inches (7.6 cm) and caused him to suffer a ...

Actor's height: Dwayne The Rock Johnson

2 天前 · Actor's height: Dwayne The Rock Johnson: 196 cm Tyler ... Christian Bale: 183 cm Jerry Seinfeld: 180 cm George ...

Christian Bale Height, Age, Wife, Children, Family, Biography

Nickname, Chris ; Profession, Actor ; Physical Stats ; Height (approx.) 6' (183 cm).

Christian Bale Height - How tall - Page 3

Christian Bale height is 5ft 11 ¾ or 182.2 cm tall. Discover more Celebrity Heights and Vote on how tall you think any Celebrity is!

Christian Bale Height - How tall

Christian Bale height is 5ft 11 ¾ or 182.2 cm tall. Discover more Celebrity Heights and Vote on how tall you think any Celebrity is!

Christian Bale Dimensions & Drawings

Christian Bale has a height of 6'0” (1.83 m).

Heights of Famous Actors

5' 11 1/2 (182 cm). Christian Bale at an event for The Dark Knight Rises (2012). 35. Christian Bale. Actor; Producer; Editorial Department. The Dark Knight ( ...

How tall is Bane in The Dark Knight Rises?

Well Christian Bale is 6′0. Tom Hardy is 5′10. Bruce is 6′0 in the movie and around 6′1–6′2 when he is Batman because of boots.

5'7 Rami Malek and 6ft Christian Bale. Both looking equally good

He's closer to 5'7 than to 5'6 but he doesn't quite make the cut, just like myself. We are height twins. I might touch 170.2cm first thing in ...

Why does Bale look the shortest in the movies? Is it like a suit thing ...

In Nolanverse Batman films, 180cm (6'0) Christian Bale shares a lot ... Christian Bale is about 6ft tall (Celeb Heights says that he is 5ft 11.75.


Hegained43pounds(20kg),shavedpartofhisheadandadoptedaslouchedposture,whichreducedhisheightby3inches(7.6cm)andcausedhimtosuffera ...,2天前·Actor'sheight:DwayneTheRockJohnson:196cmTyler...ChristianBale:183cmJerrySeinfeld:180cmGeorge ...,Nickname,Chris;Profession,Actor;PhysicalStats;Height(approx.)6'(183cm).,ChristianBaleheightis5ft11¾or182.2cmtall.DiscovermoreCelebrityHeightsandVoteonhowtallyout...
